Term 1: Delve into the fundamental theories, key concepts, and processes involved in creating high-quality games, web, and mobile projects.
Term 2: Enhance your skill set by utilizing C++ programming language, object-oriented programming (OOP) techniques, and mobile applications for the Apple iPad and iPhone. Take your programming skills into the two biggest game engines, Unreal and Unity 3D, while also starting to work in the Android programming ecosystem.
Term 3: Paired with Game Design students, create your first team-based game while also delving deeper into Unity, C++, and iOS technologies
Term 4: The core part of this term is dedicated to designing and planning a major team-based project while you continue studying game engines and mobile/web programming.
Term 5: Optionally paired with Game Design students, create a retail-quality game as your key portfolio piece, while also advancing your understanding of rendering and optimization.
Term 6: Finish your final project, prepare your portfolio, and unveil your work to the game industry at our Pitch + Play event.
Earn A diploma in Programming for Games, Web & Mobile