Sub Area
Humanities & Social Science
CategoryPostgraduate Programs
CourseMaster Degree in Computer science and networking
CampusPisa Campus
Next intake
Italian & English
About Course
2 Years
Full-time | 120 ECTS
The Degree Programme in Computer Science and Networking has the objective of meeting the growing demand for an emerging kind of professionals with expertise in computational and communication technologies in an integrated and interdisciplinary way.
The aim is to have graduates able to design and to develop innovative hardware-software distributed infrastructures, and distributed service-based applications in several areas of industry, e-business, research, social and citizen services, public administration.
Key Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the Computer Science and Networking Programme will be able to demonstrate:
Deep and advanced knowledge of computational and communication methodologies and technologies, including advanced programming, algorithm engineering and search engines, network architectures, optical and photonic technologies, high performance computing, software service engineering, teletraffic engineering, software defined networks;
Deep and advanced knowledge of laboratory and experimental activities in computing and communication technologies and tools;
Ability of understanding and evaluating the methodological and technological evolution in computer science, networking and their integration;
Ability to design innovative distributed systems;
Ability to design distributed service-based applications in several areas of industry, e-business, research, social and citizen services, public administration;
Ability to contribute to the scientific advancement in computing systems, communication networks and their integration;
Ability to model and to formalize properties and structures of distributed systems and applications.
Occupational Profile/s of Graduates:
Research and Development in small-medium and large enterprises operating in the field of innovative hardware-software infrastructures for processing and communication, distributed systems, service-based architectures, high performance computing, cluster computing, grid computing, cloud computing;
private and public firms and public administrations operating in the field of distributed service-based applications. Notable examples are (but are not limited to): industrial automation, e-business, real-time and mission-critical systems, emergency and disaster prevention and management, ubiquitous health care, intelligent urban sensors, telecontrol, energy source management, vehicular networks;
Research and University employment, starting from PhD Courses in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and related disciplines.