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Take the chance to get a scholarship and pursue your studies in Design, Fashion, Business and Experience areas at Domus Academy!

Domus Academy is launching a competition for scholarships to support new talents willing to pursue their studies in Design, Fashion, Business and Experience areas at one of most highly ranked Design school in Milan.

Following its essence as visionary, future-oriented, postgraduate Design school, Domus Academy has always been committed to supporting talents of the future throughout their journey. Domus Academy set scholarship programmes across the year aimed at rewarding the most talented and deserving students.

Until October 6th 2023, young talents will be able to apply to 2 types of competitions, either “project-based” or “portfolio-based“, with the opportunity to obtain scholarships covering up to € 9.000 of total tuition fee for the Academic Master and Double Award Master programmes starting in February 2024.

In the case of project competitions, applicants will submit works that responds to a specific brief regarding current and future thematic challenges that students might encounter during their Master Degree and professional career.

Candidates to the Master in Business Design will be challenged to pick up and analyse a successful start-up in the innovation business scenario. Master in Fashion Design applicants will design imaginative reinterpretations of iconic garments from established international fashion brands. Candidates to the Master in Fashion Management will analyse and propose inventive solutions that address the operational, ethical, and economic aspects of managing both Fast and Slow Fashion brands.

Aspirants to the Master in Interaction Design will invent innovative proposals that explore the application of AI in interaction design, such as concepts, applications, interfaces, or systems that leverage AI to enhance the human-machine interaction experience. Applicants to the Master in Interior & Living Design and the Master in Urban Vision & Architectural Design will be asked to design an Artist-in-Residence facility for artists to live, work, and exhibit in a shared model for tomorrow.

Candidates to the Master in Luxury Brand Management will be challenged with the question: can sustainability and luxury coexist? Inviting them to explore how luxury brands can balance their rich heritage and lavish appeal with the imperative of sustainable practices. Applicants to the Master in Product Design will submit innovative and meaningful brewing equipment and tools for tea or coffee, such as tea or coffee pot, strainer, filter, along with the packaging.

Master in Service Design candidates will propose inventive and feasible proposals that apply the principles and tools of service design to the public sector. Aspirants to the Master in Visual Brand Design will strive to create innovative visual advertisements that effectively communicate a brand’s commitment to sustainability.

Master in Fashion Styling & Visual Merchandising candidates will design innovative and creative visual content that captures the essence of a chosen location, reflecting its unique culture, history or vibe, and seamlessly integrates it into the visual communication of an International fashion brand.

Take the chance and apply within October 6th 2023!

Deadline: October 06 2023


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