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Accademia Costume & Moda
average placement ratio in 5 academic year
Accademia Costume & Moda has a long tradition in educating professionals for the Fashion, Performing Arts, Communication and Management, qualifying itself in the years as a centre of excellence for its didactic method. Founded in 1964 in Rome by Rosana Pistolese, costume and fashion historian, as well as costume designer for theater, television and cinema, as well as fashion and costume writer and publicist, with the patronage of the “Ministero del Lavoro e della Provvidenza Sociale”, the Municipality of Rome, ENALC and the “Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana”.
Thanks to the great talent and passion of its founder, the Academy has become over time “a laboratory of ideas and research, a meeting point for participation, communication and life”, establishing itself today among the 3 best fashion schools in the world. world for its three-year courses and masters in Fashion Design according to the “The Best Fashion Schools in the World 2019?of The Business Of Fashion (BoF).
Accademia Costume & Moda provides study courses legally recognized by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and falls within the sector of Higher Musical Artistic Education and Coreutica (AFAM).
Experimentation and culture, combined with design and craftsmanship, are the heart of the school, aimed at providing the Fashion System and the entertainment industry with professionals who are able to respond to the needs of companies.
The Accademia Alumni, after their academic career, enter the world of work by growing as professionals who work in the sector of Fashion and Costume, Multimedia Arts, Communication and Fashion Management, holding figures such as: Creative Directors, Head and Senior designer, Product Manager, Fashion Editor and Stylist and Costume Designer for large productions nationally and internationally.
It is currently the only Italian fashion school to have won the prestigious LVMH Graduate Prize during the 2016, 2018 and 2019 editions.
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The Bachelor of Arts in Costume & Fashion is a unique Undegraduate Programme in which the subject areas of Costume, Fashion and Accessories Design are perfectly combined and balanced within the same educational path. This provides students with a solid cultural, stylistic and design preparation in all the fields related to the development, positioning and commercialization of the fashion product. Every discipline supports the student in the acquisition of drawing, design and technical competences, thanks to an approach linked to design and product through culture, research, experimentation and practice.
The course objectives ensure the acquisition of subject-specific and professional skills in order to provide students with knowledge and design methodologies within the context of experimenting with new expressive narratives with particular reference to Fashion and Costume design. This course prepares students to operate in different areas and to apply the theoretical and practical skills and culture acquired with the purpose and ability to reflect on the constantly evolving sectors.
Rome Campus
Next intake: October
Language: Italian
The Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Editor, Styling & Communication has been developed to respond to the growing demand of the industry for professionals able to work in the areas of product and brand narratives in terms of Editing, Styling & Communication.
The objectives are aimed at ensuring an adequate preparation related to the methods and artistic techniques along with specific professional competences for the purpose of conveying knowledge, expressive and design method in the use of creative tools in the communication process, with specific reference to Editing, Photography, Graphics, Design, Advertising and Journalism in the fashion area.
* In Milan the course is waiting to receive the recognition from the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR).
Milan Campus
Next intake: October
Language: Italian
Rome Campus
Next intake: October
Language: Italian
The Bachelor of Arts in Cinema & Filmmaking: Media Design & Multimedia Arts was born from a partnership between the Accademia Costume & Moda and the research and training company Ars Academy Research. The project intends to fill the need for effective training and quality in filmmaking, TV production, multimedia communication, animation and visual arts.
The objectives are aimed at acquiring deep technical and cultural competences supported by the access to an international professional network.
Rome Campus
Next intake: October
Language: Italian
The Foundation Course or Preparatory Course is an introductive programme to the Bachelor of Arts programmes in Costume & Fashion, Fashion Editor Styling & Communication and Fashion Design Management.
Students are introduced to the teaching and learning methods of Accademia Costume & Moda, the creative processes and to subject areas related to Fashion Design, Costume for performing arts, Fashion Communication and Design Management. For Non-Italian speakers, the course also includes the study of Italian language through a 150 hours module to be attended in September with the aim of achieving the B2 level required to access Bachelor of Arts programmes of Accademia Costume & Moda.
The main objective is to guide students towards a conscious choice in locating their direction of fashion programmes and ensuring a solid basic preparation aimed at successfully undertaking the courses of Fashion Design, Fashion Communication and Management. The Foundation Course is conceived as a theoretical-practical study path that provides students with a solid introduction to Fashion History and Culture, History of Arts, Design Methods, Fashion Drawing, Fashion Photography and Marketing these represent the pillars in the education of designers, communicators and managers operating in the fashion field.
The Foundation Course is addressed to students with a minimum B1 level of knowledge of Italian language and holding a secondary school diploma or other equivalent study title obtained after at least 11 years of education and allowing access to first-cycle academic courses in the international education system of reference.
Rome Campus
Next intake: September, November
Language: Italian
Milan Campus
Next intake: September, November
Language: Italian
The Master of Arts in Accessories & Jewellery Design is aimed at graduates, professionals who intend to complete or deepen their cultural and professional background in the fashion sector in relation to Accessories and Jewellery Design. The course provides students with the conceptual knowledge and tools necessary to understand the contemporary narrative and analyse the current socioeconomic developments of the Fashion System, positioning them correctly on the leather goods, footwear, accessories and jewellery market.
The objectives are aimed at acquiring technical as well as cultural and design skills within studio workshops which enables the expression of personal creative sensitivity in accordance with the productive and entrepreneurial realities. The path’s purpose is to train designers with a strong fashion sensitivity and deep culture references, able to translate the construction and material complexities of an area that present many points of contact and differences.
Upon completion of the Master of Arts in Accessories & Jewellery Design, students pursue a professional career as footwear designers, leather goods designers, jewellery designers, eyewear designers, starting their own business or working for companies and design studios in Italy and abroad. They will also be able to operate in the market as product managers and art directors. The main employment sectors being fashion, accessories, jewellery, footwear, leather and leather goods companies and brands. They will also be able to continue their study at a higher level undertaking a PhD.
Rome Campus
Next intake: February
Language: Italian & English
The Master of Arts in Costume & Alta Moda – Couture Design is aimed at graduates, professionals who intend to complete or deepen their cultural and professional preparation in the fashion sector with respect to Costume and Alta Moda or Couture Design. The innovative combination of these two approaches to the project, which are contiguous and consequential, aims to shape professionals who can choose whether to dedicate themselves to a single area or both. Research, at the basis of this path, permeates the entire educational program in a cultural consequentiality to build a complete and multidisciplinary but at the same time integrated professional competence.
The objectives of the course are aimed at leading to the development of an increasingly contemporary logic, designed to develop a multiplicity of skills in a constant in-depth study, integrating, with advanced technical competences, the research, interdisciplinarity and design culture necessary to be able to offer the system professionals capable of creating innovative worlds that are consistent with the challenges of the future.
Upon completion of the Master of Arts in Costume & Alta Moda – Couture Design, students will be able to pursue a professional career in theatre or cinema productions, creative studios, product or design studios, and cover the various professional roles in the Fashion System, from Research and Material Development, to Design and Product Management, starting their own business or working for companies, productions and ateliers in Italy and abroad. The main employment sectors being fashion Maisons, fashion brands- design studios, productions related to the world of entertainment / preforming arts (cinema, TV, theater, opera, ballet, etc.). They will also be able to continue their study at a higher level undertaking a PhD.
Rome Campus
Next intake: February
Language: Italian & English
The Academic Master in Fashion Jewellery is aimed at graduates, professionals who intend to complete or deepen their cultural or professional experience in the Jewellery Design sector, from design to implementation. The course provides students with the conceptual knowledge and tools necessary to understand new languages and analyze new trends in order to position them correctly in the market. The course provides students with conceptual knowledge and tools necessary to understand contemporary narratives and analyse new perspectives in order to position them correctly within the market. The course provides the elements necessary to design the body ornament in all its forms: Fine Jewellery, Bijou Fashion, Body ornament and Watchmaking.
The objectives are aimed at providing deep knowledge of the design process and techniques through the combination of the traditional artisanal methodology to digital technologies (laser cutting, prototyping. 3D prints..).
Upon completion of the Academic Master in Fashion Jewellery, students will be able to pursue a professional career in creative, product or style offices and cover the various professional roles in the world of jewellery and the fashion system from research to design within a company or planning a consulting or production activity.
Rome Campus
Next intake: January
Language: Italian & English
The Academic Master in Fabrics Innovation Design, in collaboration with some of the best manufacturing companies in Made in Italy, is addressed to graduates who wish to enhance their career prospects with a professional study path based on culture, creativity, research and most importantly innovation in fabric development (Textile Design), one of the most challenging and rapidly evolving fields within the entire Fashion Industry.
The creative exploration in fabrics requires a complex combination of knowledge and skills underpinned by a deep cultural background in the specific fields of fashion and the arts in general. The Master is mainly centered on innovation with a particular focus on Sustainability and Responsible Innovation.
The objectives are aimed at fostering research – thanks to a cultural and artistic preparation – and experimentation in the areas of weave, print design, manipulations, finishings of fabric design. All this in order to support the creative direction of fashion collections and facilitate the communication with the productive studios concerning the state of the art, the variety offered and the implementation of creative projects.
Upon completion of the Academic Master in Fabrics Innovation Design students will be able to pursue a career as Fabrics Designers in textile and materials (design, printing and manipulations) or to cover professional roles in support of the creative direction in the design of a collection.
Rome Campus
Next intake: January
Language: Italian & English
The Academic Master in The Art & Craft of the Costume Designer intends to deepen the cultural and professional education in the field of Costume, from design to its realization. The role of the Costume Designer is essential in Opera, as well as in Prose, in Cinema or Series (TV production). Moreover, the Costume Designer is an artist who knows well history, tradition, anthropological roots, psychological interpretations, emotional strategies and who, through its creations, is able to identify and reproduce the era within the context in which the story takes place as well as the characters’ personality.
The Master course is in collaboration with costumier tailors, shoe factories, make-up, and wig workshops, and Roman millineries, representative of the highest interpretative and craft skills in the world, recognized for competence, creativity, and workmanship at the service of the most important international productions.
The objectives are aimed at preparing professionals able to respond to the requests of theatre/cinema productions but also to collaborate with ateliers. Design projects simulate the creative process from iconographic research, the character creation, the drawing, up to the making of the costume. Laboratory/ Tailoring Studio experimentations lead to the concrete realization of the project for the potential theatre and cinematographic productions. The aim is to create professionals able to respond to the demands of productions in every area of the performing arts.
Upon completion of the Academic Master in The Art & Craft of the Costume Designer students will be able to pursue a career as Assistant Costume Designer, Costume Designer Consultant, Professional Costume Designer able to work in national and international theatre/cinema productions.
Rome Campus
Next intake: January
Language: Italian & English
The Academic Master in Creative Knitwear Design, developed in collaboration with Modateca Deanna and and numerous other prestigious Italian manufactures, is addressed to graduates and professionals who wish to complete and enhance their cultural and professional experience in knitwear, from design to implementation in a sector of excellence of Made in Italy.
The course takes place also in Reggio Emilia, the heart of the Italian Knitwear district inside Modateca Deanna, an international center of Fashion Documentation and archive of thousands of knitwear collections of the most famous brands and designers.
The Master involves the participation of leading companies in the sector and some of the most important Made in Italy production companies such as yarn producers, printing, embroidery, dyeing and artisan workshops.
The objectives include creative tools that are necessary for an in-depth appreciation across both design and product development scenarios related to the fashion knitwear industry. Research, analysis and experimentation are an integral part of the course, helping to build the ability to interpret the identity of a brand, in a contemporary key and in balance with one’s own design identity.
Upon completion of the Academic Master in Creative Knitwear Design students will be able to pursue a career as Fashion Designers with specific skills related to the design of knitwear and jersey collections. Students develop a series of skills that can also lead to a career as a Knitwear/Jersey Collection Coordinator as well as for the role of research and technical development and/or electronic programming in a strategic sector of Italian and international fashion.
Rome Campus
Next intake: February
Language: Italian & English
San Martino in Rio (RE) Campus
Next intake: February
Language: Italian & English
The Academic Master in Creative Knitwear Design, developed in collaboration with Modateca Deanna and and numerous other prestigious Italian manufactures, is addressed to graduates and professionals who wish to complete and enhance their cultural and professional experience in knitwear, from design to implementation in a sector of excellence of Made in Italy.
The course takes place also in Reggio Emilia, the heart of the Italian Knitwear district inside Modateca Deanna, an international center of Fashion Documentation and archive of thousands of knitwear collections of the most famous brands and designers.
The Master involves the participation of leading companies in the sector and some of the most important Made in Italy production companies such as yarn producers, printing, embroidery, dyeing and artisan workshops.
The objectives include creative tools that are necessary for an in-depth appreciation across both design and product development scenarios related to the fashion knitwear industry. Research, analysis and experimentation are an integral part of the course, helping to build the ability to interpret the identity of a brand, in a contemporary key and in balance with one’s own design identity.
Upon completion of the Academic Master in Creative Knitwear Design students will be able to pursue a career as Fashion Designers with specific skills related to the design of knitwear and jersey collections. Students develop a series of skills that can also lead to a career as a Knitwear/Jersey Collection Coordinator as well as for the role of research and technical development and/or electronic programming in a strategic sector of Italian and international fashion.
Rome Campus
Next intake: February
Language: Italian & English
San Martino in Rio (RE) Campus
Next intake: February
Language: Italian & English
The Academic Master in Creative Knitwear Design, developed in collaboration with Modateca Deanna and and numerous other prestigious Italian manufactures, is addressed to graduates and professionals who wish to complete and enhance their cultural and professional experience in knitwear, from design to implementation in a sector of excellence of Made in Italy.
The course takes place also in Reggio Emilia, the heart of the Italian Knitwear district inside Modateca Deanna, an international center of Fashion Documentation and archive of thousands of knitwear collections of the most famous brands and designers.
The Master involves the participation of leading companies in the sector and some of the most important Made in Italy production companies such as yarn producers, printing, embroidery, dyeing and artisan workshops.
The objectives include creative tools that are necessary for an in-depth appreciation across both design and product development scenarios related to the fashion knitwear industry. Research, analysis and experimentation are an integral part of the course, helping to build the ability to interpret the identity of a brand, in a contemporary key and in balance with one’s own design identity.
Upon completion of the Academic Master in Creative Knitwear Design students will be able to pursue a career as Fashion Designers with specific skills related to the design of knitwear and jersey collections. Students develop a series of skills that can also lead to a career as a Knitwear/Jersey Collection Coordinator as well as for the role of research and technical development and/or electronic programming in a strategic sector of Italian and international fashion.
Rome Campus
Next intake: February
Language: Italian & English
San Martino in Rio (RE) Campus
Next intake: February
Language: Italian & English
The Academic Master in Accessories Design is addressed to graduates who wish to complete or to enhance their cultural and professional experience in Accessories Design.
The Master provides students with the conceptual knowledge needed to understand the new contemporary narratives and able to analyse the current socio-economic developments within the Fashion system, positioning them correctly within the leather goods, footwear and accessories market sector.
The objectives allow students to gain direct experience by developing research projects on specific topics, collaborating with the most prestigious brands and manufacturing companies in order to acquire all the industrial and artisanal processes related to the product.
The course, aimed at acquiring technical as well as cultural, research methodology and design skills, delivered through a series of ongoing workshops where personal creative identity is expressed in balance with the production and entrepreneurial realities.
Upon completion of the Academic Master in Accessories Design students will be able to pursue a career as Designers inside the Creative Studios, Product Studios or Design Studios and to cover the various professional roles in Fashion such as Research and Development of Materials to Product Managers, up to the creation of their own business.
Rome Campus
Next intake: January
Language: Italian & English
The Academic Master in Alta Moda, Fashion Design is addressed to graduates who wish to complete or to enhance their cultural and professional experience in Alta Moda, a unique and exclusive field within Fashion Design.
Traditionally, Alta Moda or Haute Couture is the creation of unique tailor-made garments made mainly by hand using high quality fabrics, decorations, applications and embroideries with extreme attention to details.
The objectives are aimed at providing conceptual competence and tools necessary to understand the new design narratives, technologies and contemporary market areas of Haute Couture: from research to experimentation, from innovation to the final realization of the garment. Participants also have the opportunity to gain direct experience by developing research projects on specific topics, collaborating with the most important professionals and the most prestigious brands.
Upon completion of the Academic Master in Alta Moda, Fashion Design students will be able to pursue a career as Designers inside the Creative Offices of Haute Couture ateliers and in leading companies in Prét-à-Porter or to work as Product Office Managers and to cover various professional roles in Fashion: from the design of a collection to textile and print design, embellishment up to the creation of their own business.
Rome Campus
Next intake: January
Language: Italian & English
The Academic Master in Alta Moda, Fashion Design is addressed to graduates who wish to complete or to enhance their cultural and professional experience in Alta Moda, a unique and exclusive field within Fashion Design.
Traditionally, Alta Moda or Haute Couture is the creation of unique tailor-made garments made mainly by hand using high quality fabrics, decorations, applications and embroideries with extreme attention to details.
The objectives are aimed at providing conceptual competence and tools necessary to understand the new design narratives, technologies and contemporary market areas of Haute Couture: from research to experimentation, from innovation to the final realization of the garment. Participants also have the opportunity to gain direct experience by developing research projects on specific topics, collaborating with the most important professionals and the most prestigious brands.
Upon completion of the Academic Master in Alta Moda, Fashion Design students will be able to pursue a career as Designers inside the Creative Offices of Haute Couture ateliers and in leading companies in Prét-à-Porter or to work as Product Office Managers and to cover various professional roles in Fashion: from the design of a collection to textile and print design, embellishment up to the creation of their own business.
Rome Campus
Next intake: January
Language: Italian & English
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