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26 Jan 2022
Whether it’s fashion, beauty, medical or hospitality, every field has a wider scope in the European union. Here are some reasons why you should consider moving abroad.
Whether it’s fashion, beauty, medical or hospitality, every field has a wider scope in the European union. We’re not a marketing agency or a profit driven organisation convincing students to move abroad! We’re your guardians and we definitely want the best for you, always. Our founders, Mr. George and Mr. Abraham have been working in the education sector for years and with god’s grace, we’ve been able to glorify the lives of several students who are doing extremely good today and are still grateful to us. Our students’ success stories give us the kind of joy that motivates us to spread the word and bring more students so they can make the best out of their careers.
Here are some things that might bother you when the thought of moving abroad first hits your mind.
1. Is it too expensive? How am I going to arrange all that money?
It might sound very unusual but most of the courses that our partner universities offer are much more affordable than what you get in your home country.
2. Is bagging a scholarship extremely difficult?
No! The answer is a clear no. Our partner universities know how to praise talent hence, they give out the best scholarships to those who deserve. Moreover, we organise scholarship preparation sessions from time to time to guide you through the process. Most of our students have received great scholarships just by attending these sessions and paying careful attention to the details.
3. How am I gonna arrange the documents required?
As we mentioned earlier, we’re not a profit-making agency, we’re your guardians. We guide you through every step from applying for a scholarship to finally arriving at your destination. Here’s a list of things you can expect from us when you arrive at your dream destination : https://maitriglobaleducation.com/maitri
4. Is it gonna be difficult to adjust?
Staying away from your family might be difficult but we help you find the best roommates for you, preferably from your home country so that you feel “at home”. Also, we organise meet-ups for our students so that they can gel up with each other and enjoy the culture of the country they’re in.
5. How am I going to get through the day to day problems?
If you come through us, we’re just a phone call away. We’re always with you, no matter what the situation is.
6. What level of assistance should I expect from Maitri?
From providing you with a list of things to bring with you to actually picking you up at the airport and assisting you with something as small as recharging your mobile phone to as huge as applying for the stay permit, we’re there with you at every step.
Have any more questions? Join our live event on IG to get answers to all your questions and pack your bags because it’s time for you to amp up your career!
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